Look Mister, Write it Down!

This biography expounds on life in rural Butler County, Kansas around the turn of the century. “Johnie’s Athletic ability and accomplishments opened doors for him that were unattainable to him through any other avenue. It took him to and through college and into business that resulted in a life of adventure spanning four States and two Nations. Despite the hardships of the depression and World War II he was able to overcome his competition and excel In Business and as a civic leader. The Book contains: Pioneer History, College Life, Fraternal Affiliations, Roots Loyalty, Inter-racial Experiences, Sports, Mexico, High Governmental experiences, Business Development, Customer Relations, World War II, Family, Neighbors, Agriculture, Oil and more. Please read and enjoy!
Three (3) Parts; Seventy-four (74) Chapters; (326) Pages, an easy read!

TO ORDER: call: (316) 655-0798 or (316) 775-5015
Or write:
John W Stewart,
PO Box 56,
Augusta, KS 67010

Price: $29.00 + $2.47 Tax + $7.53 S&H = $39.00