27 Seconds

“27 Seconds”
The right way to start the day!
The “Lord’s Prayer” is recited every Sunday in thousands of churches interestingly in 400 year old, archaic, Shakespearean English from the King James Version of the Bible from the year 1611. “27 Seconds” proposes some simple adjustments to make this Prayer, taught to us by Jesus, even more meaningful in our personal prayer time.
• Uses today’s common language
• Encourages the use of the Prayer on a daily basis instead of weekly
• Keeps the same topics Jesus taught
• Changes the plural of persons to singular
• Remains the same 27 seconds time to recite as it did 2000 years ago when Jesus taught it!
The brevity of the prayer Jesus taught the disciples makes it clear Jesus had you and me in mind!

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Address: P.O. Box 1, Whitewater, Kansas 67154 USA
Email Author: TonyGuhr@KieselGuhrPublications.com